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10070;10070;10070;10070; Reversi Features 10070;10070;10070;10070; The gameplay in OTHELLO for Game Boy is simple and intuitive. Players take turns placing their pieces on the board with the goal of flipping their opponent's pieces to their own color. Players can flip their opponent's pieces by placing their own piece adjacent to it and trapping it between two of their own pieces. The game ends when the board is full or when neither player can make a move. Specs and Features: © 2023 Gamezz. All rights reserved Reversi is typically played on an 8x8 inch grid board and comes with 64 double-sided chips, which are distributed equally between two players. Once these pieces have been appropriately divided, the board is then set up by placing two of each player's chips in the center go fish online game of the board. Usually, the same colored chips are placed so they're diagonal from each other. From here, the black player makes the first move.