To Read the Full Story, become a member Riskalyze co-founder and CEO Aaron Klein has reinvested the majority of his holdings into the recapitalized firm, and continues to lead the company as CEO and a member of the Board of Directors, Klein said in an interview. The transaction is slated to close by the end of September. FTSE 250 HG Capital provides investors with a listed vehicle to invest in unquoted businesses managed by Hg, Europe’s largest 8230; We offer forward-thinking and detailed counsel across a wide range of practice areas and sectors. March 24, 2021 — 04:45 am EDT Hg was formed in December 2000 after its partners spun the firm out of its parent company Mercury Asset Management, which was owned by Merrill Lynch at the best upcoming companies to invest in time. Based in the UK, Hg has grown to be one of the largest private equity investors in Europe with over £9bn in assets under management and 140 investment professionals across offices in London and Munich. Hg is currently making investments out of its flagship middle market buyout, small-cap buyout, and newly formed Transition Capital funds. The firm is primarily focused on technology and services investments across Europe, however recent investments have also included cross-border opportunities in the United States.